Forensic MACT

Forensic MACT

Motor Accident Claims Tribunal (MACT) deals with the compensa on of the ma ers in respect of accidents involving the death, or bodily injury to persons arising out of the use of motor vehicles, or damages to any property of a third party so arising, or both . MACT Courts are conducted over by a Judge of a High Court or by a District Judge. Accident Reconstruc on is a method of analyzing the relevant facts of an accident involving thorough inspec on of the number of vehicles involved, analysis of vehicle and accident site images during a collision or overturning of the vehicle, speed-me-distance analysis, etc.

Our experts conduct a thorough inves ga on to solve the MACT cases in reference to the following analysis:

● Vehicle Impact Analysis

● Accident Spot Analysis

● Collision Analysis

● Witness Statements

● Review of the vehicle and other related documents, published ar cles to co-relate the pa ern of damage/ accident with the injuries of the occupant, etc.

● 3D Reconstruc on Models to demonstrate the sequence of the Accident.

● Evalua on of the vicm’s medical reports to determine the injury sustained with the available evidence/ documents.

If You Need Any Forensic Services ... We Are Available For You

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